Aker Woods: Milled Timber
The picture below on the left is a Ponderosa Pine milled timber. Note how few and small the knots are, and the lack of bark on the edges of the beam. We get a better milled timber because we start with a better sawlog. Our milled timbers come from the centers of very large, slow-growing trees. Each milled timber is carefully cut to the precise dimensions you order, and is 100% free of defects like rot, insect damage, bark seams, and handling damage.
Newly Milled Timber
This wood beam portico was built with a ridge milled timber, ceiling beams, and support beams made from Eastern Redcedar.
Use this easy formula to
calculate prices for beams:
Price = width (in inches)
x height (in inches) x length (in feet) / 12
x dimension price
Dimension price = $1.50 if width and height
are both less than 6 inches
Dimension price = $1.75 if width and height
are both less than 8 inches
Dimension price = $2.00 if width and height
are both less than 10 inches
Dimension price = $2.25 if width and height
are both less than 12 inches
For lengths between 16 and 24 feet add $0.50
to the dimension price.
For lengths greater than 24 feet, call for
We start with high-grade logs, which results in straight timbers, free of defect.
Our eastern red cedar has a naturally deep red color, and beats other cedars and redwood for rot-resistance.