Aker Woods: Log Home House Logs
We can supply house logs for your log home in Black Hills Spruce and Ponderosa Pine, and we can peel the house logs for an extra 75% of the house log price quoted below. Since we sell house logs to local sawmills and use house logs in our own mill, we can save the very best logs for house log customers. That means minimum taper, maximum straightness, small knots, no rot, no cracks, and no insect damage for your log home.
We've shipped house logs to professional builders in South Dakota and several other states. We've developed good relationships with reliable shippers, and can quote you a competitive price for shipping within the continental United States.
Fresh Cut House Logs
Nothing says "Welcome Home" like a log driveway arch.
We can peel your house logs for your log home. This house log has already been hand-peeled, but we're giving it a second treatment with a tool called a curved planer to make it smoother.
Need a smoother surface on a log? We can plane or sand them after they're peeled.
Yes, you can buy a log with roots left on.
Need a log to fit around a steel girder? Call for pricing.